Società Agricola Bollina Curtis Nova Gavi 'Dada' 2019 - GAVI DOCG, Piemonte, Italy.
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🇮🇹 Società Agricola Bollina 莊園位於義大利西北部塞拉瓦萊斯克里維亞 (Serravalle Scrivia),這是一個約有 7000 名居民的小型葡萄種植村,位於亞歷山德里亞 (Alessandria) 東南邊約 20 公里處,位於皮埃蒙特 (Piedmontese) 的中心地帶。
幾世紀以來,這座佔地 120 公頃的莊園一直是義大利熱拿亞貴族,侯爵Marquis Figari 的住所。除了佔地 25 公頃的莊園外,還包含一家四星級酒店、一個會議中心和一個高爾夫球場。該地區屬微氣候,來自 Liguria 區的海風與 Appennino 山脈及其雪地相交。
釀造和熟成:海洋提供了良好的通風系統,此地區的高溫使葡萄們有很棒的成熟度,葡萄酒因此有高品質。手工採收量限制在 70 hl/ha 之後,將葡萄精緻輕壓並泡皮浸漬 24 小時。約三分之二的葡萄在不銹鋼槽中進行發酵,其餘則在大型法國橡木桶中發酵。 換桶 (Racking) 後,60% 的葡萄酒在不銹鋼大桶中與酒渣陳釀 3 個月,而 40% 的葡萄酒在新的法國橡木桶中陳釀 3 個月。
【🍇葡萄品種 & 酒精含量】
100% 柯蒂斯 Cortese,
13.5% ABV.
明顯的香氣類似於鼻子,複雜而集中、帶有許多成熟的水果味、迷人的花香和淡淡的橡木味。 中等酸度,中等酒精度,輕盈篇中等酒體。
口感輕柔,幾乎為半乾、酸度適中。由於複雜的果香使整體感覺非常濃郁,橡木使其有非常柔軟和辛辣的口感。 以長而持久的尾韻結束。 真的很美味!
柯蒂斯的絕佳詮釋!豐富的花果香並有點辛辣,很順滑細膩,容易入口。 肯定會再次購買。
【📝Brief intro】
🇮🇹 The Società Agricola Bollina estate @labollina is located in Serravalle Scrivia, a small wine-growing village of around 7,000 inhabitants, about twenty kilometers south-east of Alessandria, in the heart of Piedmontese. For centuries, the 120-hectare property has been the residence of an old family of Italian nobility from Genoa, the Marquis Figari. In addition to the 25-ha estate, it includes a 4-star hotel, a convention center and a golf course. The region enjoys a micro-climate, where the sea breeze from Liguria meets the mountains of the Appennino and its snow.
Vinification & Maturation: The sea gives great ventilation and the strong temperature range is perfect for wine’s quality, as it provides very good ripeness. After the manual harvest is limited to 70 hl/ha, the grapes are delicately pressed and macerated for 24 hours. Two-thirds of fermentation took place in stainless steel tanks, the rest in large French oak barrels. After racking, 60% of the wine was aged for three months on lees in stainless steel vats, while 40% spent 3 months in new French oak barrels.
【🍇Grapes & ABV】
100% Cortese, 13.5% ABV.
【👀To the eye】
Pale gold with lemon hints.
Pronounced aromas of ripe pear, baked/cooked apple, peach, apricot, lemon, banana, jasmine flower, grape, hints of almond, caramel and vanilla.
Pronounced aromas similar to the nose, complex and concentrated with a lot of ripe fruits (stone, citrus, green), attractive floral / blossoms notes and discrete hints of oak. Medium acidity, medium alcohol, light+ body.
Mouthfeel is soft, almost off-dry, with medium acidity, feels really dense thanks to complex fruity aromas and really velvety and spicy thanks to the oak. Ends in a long persistent finish. Really delicious!
【🍷 Conclusion】
A superb interpretation of the Cortese, floral, fruity, a bit spicy, really smooth and delicate, very easy to drink. Will definitely buy it again.
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