Siegriest Schelmenstück 2015 - V.D.P. Erste Lage, Palatinate, Germany.

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🇩🇪 德國普法爾茨 Pfalz/Palatine 是一個非常古老且傳統的葡萄酒產區。 事實上,在施派爾 Speyer 歷史博物館可以找到追溯到公元 4 世紀,用熱蠟封閉之世界上最古老的一瓶葡萄酒 。普法爾茨的氣候與法國的阿爾薩斯 Alsace 非常相似,它是德國最溫暖、陽光充足和最乾燥的葡萄酒產區之一,可使黑皮諾完美地成熟。

1974 年,Thomas Siegrist 和他的妻子一起創立了葡萄酒莊園。他們同時非常關心自然和葡萄藤,目標是釀造出能夠表達普法爾茨神奇風土的葡萄酒,並結合使用當時在德國還相當新穎的橡木桶(barrique)。黑比諾來自美麗的黃土和貝殼石灰岩風土,地質上非常接近夏布利 Chablis 土壤。


【🍇葡萄品種 & 酒精含量】

100% Spätburgunder ( 黑皮諾 Pinot noir), 13.5% ABV.






與鼻子相似的明顯香氣,強烈的黑色和紅色水果香、香草和烤麵包與橡木味的結合;美味地第三類香氣:蘑菇、森林土地,由於在瓶中陳釀數年而顯現的濕葉香氣,最後的尾韻是很長的礦物味 .

中等單寧,高酸度,中等偏飽滿的酒體,中等酒精度。 口感令人印象深刻、細緻、礦物、單寧柔和、與橡木香氣完美融合。我們可以注意到對黑皮諾葡萄酒來說,此款的酒體非常濃郁,其與許多複雜的香氣平衡的很完美,這要歸功於非常新鮮的酸度。 一個深沉而強大的黑皮諾葡萄酒,令人愉快。


來自普法爾茨的令人印象深刻而美麗的黑皮諾,足以向那些仍然不知道德國可以釀造令人難以置信的黑比諾的人證明。 充滿優雅、礦物味、複雜性和動物深度,是一款美妙宜人的葡萄酒。


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【📝Brief intro】

🇩🇪 Palatinate is a very old and traditional region for wine. Indeed, the oldest bottle of wine in the world can be found there at the Speyer Historical Museum. It dates from the 4th century AD; closed with hot wax. Palatinate has a climate quite similar to Alsace in France, and it is one of the warmest, sunniest and driest of German wine regions which allows PN to ripe perfectly.

Thomas Siegrist founded his estate with his wife in 1974. His goal was to make wines that express the fantastic terroir of Palatinate, with great care for nature and the vines combined with the use of barrel (barrique) which was quite new in Germany at that time. The Pinot Noir comes from a beautiful terroir of loess and shell limestone, geologically quite close to the Chablis soils.

Vinification: Soft pressing, long maceration, aging in French oak barrels, new and second use.

【🍇Grapes & ABV】

100% Spätburgunder (Pinot noir), 13.5% ABV.

【👀To the eye】

Pale ruby with garnet hints.


Pronounced aromas of cherry, cherry eau-de-vie, blackberry, wild strawberry, wet stones, vanilla, caramel, cedar, toast, mushroom, dried herbs, wet leaves, and forest floor.


Pronounced aromas similar to the nose, powerful black and red fruits aromas, oak notes of vanilla and toast, savory tertiary flavors of mushroom, forest floor, wet leaves due to the few years of aging in the bottle, finishing in a very long mineral finish.

Medium tannin, High acidity, medium+ body, medium alcohol. Impressive on the palate, its subtle, mineral, tannins are soft, oak aromas are perfectly integrated, we can notice quite a strong body for a Pinot noir, wine is perfectly balanced with a lot of complex aromas displayed and thanks to very fresh acidity. A deep and powerful PN, really pleasant.

【🍷 Conclusion】

An impressive and beautiful PN from Palatinate which proves for those who still don’t know that Germany can make incredible Pinot Noir. Full of elegance, minerality, complexity with an animal depth, a wonderful pleasant drink.

杜皮耶 Pierre-André Ovigne Durand

🍇DipWSET w/ Merit 國際品酒師認證四級|📚 珍愛AOW客座講師 Lecturer|🍷永林綜合料理葡萄酒顧問 Wine consultant| 🇫🇷 FWS with Honor|🇪🇸 SWS with Highest Honor|Based in 🇫🇷 🇹🇼|翻譯工作 Translator 🇧🇬 🇭🇷 🇸🇮 🇲🇰 🇷🇸

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