通過西班牙葡萄酒學者認證 Got my SWS!

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最近我在工作和準備 WSET 4-D3 之間一直很忙,所以我在IG上沒有發太多文章。

突然想到今年 7 月在葡萄酒學者協會 (Wine Scholar Guild) 通過西班牙葡萄酒學者認證(Spanish Wine Scholar),並獲得最高榮譽 (95/100),很開心所以發文來紀念 :)

整個課程設計得非常出色,真心推薦講師指導的格式,其課程由優秀且稱職的 Rick Fischer 和 Sascha Dejaynes 所帶領提供。專業的在線課程、資料信息豐富的手冊、精美的地圖和圖片讓我學到了很多知識,最重要的是,對於希望了解更多關於西班牙葡萄酒、葡萄栽培歷史和現狀的人來說非常有用。

再次感謝 Rick 和 Sascha 的教學。


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I've been really busy lately between work and WSET 4 D3 so I haven't been very active on social media.

I had actually forgotten to make a small post about the Spanish Wine Scholar that I passed in July this year with the Wine Scholar Guild and for which I obtained the highest honors (95/100).

The program is excellent and I really recommend the Instructor-Led Format whose courses are provided by the excellent and competent Rick Fischer and Sasha Dejaynes. I really learned a lot of things thanks to the online courses and the manual which is full of information, very beautiful maps and images, and above all very useful for anyone wishing to know more about wines, the history and the current state of viticulture in Spain.

I really thank Rick and Sascha for their passion and availability. I come away from this program more passionate than ever about Spanish wines.

杜皮耶 Pierre-André Ovigne Durand

🍇DipWSET w/ Merit 國際品酒師認證四級|📚 珍愛AOW客座講師 Lecturer|🍷永林綜合料理葡萄酒顧問 Wine consultant| 🇫🇷 FWS with Honor|🇪🇸 SWS with Highest Honor|Based in 🇫🇷 🇹🇼|翻譯工作 Translator 🇧🇬 🇭🇷 🇸🇮 🇲🇰 🇷🇸


Very nice dinner w/ 2 delicious wines 🍷


Tenute Lunelli Castelbuono Carapace 2016 - Montefalco Sagrantino DOCG, Umbria, Italy.