Excellent dinner with two very good bottles of wine. 🍷兩瓶非常好的葡萄酒和火鍋、熱炒完美搭配!
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🇫🇷 第一款是 2014 年夢幻 Rosé,來自法國隆河的 Mordorée 莊園 - La Dame Rousse Tavel,給在場的所有人留下了深刻的印象:深橙色,有著中等偏高的草莓、覆盆子、紅醋栗、乾燥花(如玫瑰)、橙皮香氣;淡淡的香料味(如薑、肉桂)。中等酒精度、中等酸度、中等偏飽滿酒體;清爽悠長的餘韻。 隨著溫度越來越暖和,此款酒的香氣更加提升。
🇪🇸 第二款酒是有著新鮮濃郁果味的 Mencia,來自西班牙加利西亞 Adegas Guimaro 莊園 - Ribeira Sacra Tinto Guimaro 2020:中等紅寶石色,帶有中等偏高的石榴、紅櫻桃、紅醋栗、黑莓、番茄葉、青椒、紫羅蘭、碎石香氣。中等酒精度、中等偏高的酸度、淡淡的單寧、中等酒體;尾韻悠長絲滑。濃郁美味。
Excellent dinner with our friends at Yonlin Restaurant. We paired it with two very good bottles of wine. 🍷 :
🇫🇷 The first one was the fantastic, Domaine de la Mordorée La Dame Rousse Tavel Rosé 2014, which impressed all of us around the table: deep orange color, medium (+) intensity aromas of strawberry, raspberry, redcurrant, dried flowers (rose), orange peel, hints of spices (ginger, cinnamon). Medium alcohol, medium acidity, medium (+) bodied, a long crisp finish. It was getting better as it was getting warmer.
🇪🇸 The second wine was a very fruity and fresh Mencia from Ribeira Sacra, Adegas Guimaro Ribeira Sacra Tinto Guimaro 2020: medium ruby color, medium (+) intensity aromas of pomegranate, red cherry, redcurrant, blackberry, tomato leaf, green peper bell, violet, crush gravel. Medium alcohol, medium (+) acidity, light tannins, medium body, with a long silky finish. Bold and tasty.
Overall a superb evening!
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