酒莊拜訪 Visit Mayor de Migueloa winery - Laguardia, Spain.
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🇪🇸 在洛格羅尼奧 (Logroño) 居住的朋友們的建議下,我決定和妻子一起參觀 Rioja Alavesa 的首府 Laguardia,他們告訴我們這個村莊非常的美絕對不能錯過。我們於參觀期間在位於村莊中心的一個小酒窖,Mayor de Migueloa 停留了一會。
酒窖所在的建築很漂亮,建於 1619 年,Gutiérrez 家族從 1690 年就開始在這裡不間斷地釀酒。自 1989 年建築修復以來,從接收葡萄到裝瓶的所有釀酒過程都在這裡進行。
我們有幸見到了酒窖總監 Jaime Gutierrez 的兒子 Javier,他熱情地向我們解釋了從葡萄藤到酒瓶的整個釀酒過程。
之後品嚐到他們幾款我非常喜歡的葡萄酒,尤其是在法國橡木桶中陳釀 15 個月的 Crianza Seleccion。我們還參觀了令人印象深刻的地下酒窖。總體來說是一次非常愉快的訪問。
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【📝Brief intro】
🇪🇸 We decided with my wife to visit Laguardia, the capital of the Rioja Alavesa, on the advice of friends from Logrono who told us that the village was absolutely magnificent and that we couldn’t miss it. During the visit, we stopped at a small Bodega which is located in the heart of the village, Mayor de Migueloa.
The building where the bodega is located is beautiful and was built in 1619, and the Gutiérrez family makes wine there since 1690, uninterruptedly. Since 1989 and the restoration of the building, all the winemaking processes from the reception of the grapes to the bottling are made there.
We were lucky enough to meet Javier, the son of Jaime Gutierrez, the director of the bodega, who explained to us with passion the whole winemaking process from the vine to the bottle. We were able to taste several of their wines which I really liked, especially the Crianza Seleccion, aged 15 months in French oak. We also visited the underground cellar which was quite impressive. A very nice visit overall.
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💡 This post has a short video on Instagram
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